Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Awww i have a new puppy!!!

Sydney's First Cupcake!
OK...so not really....but Sydney sure does a great impression of one i believe. I don't exactly know when i heard this sound for the first time, but i really, really wish it was also the last. I guess she has learned this at daycare, along with the wonderful game...."pop mommy in the face repeatedly", but i really believe she is hitting a high C when she makes it. It is really uncanny how much she sounds like a puppy that has been shut out of its owners bedroom.....however i cant lock Sydney out of the bedroom...shrugs oh-well. I'm not quite sure how i can get her to stop this whining because i don't want her to be one of "those" children...that sounds bad, but its true. I have started trying to discipline the hitting by putting her in a 1 min timeout either in the crib or playpen....this destroys her world!!

In other news.....I'm super nervous about this Friday, really this weekend in general. First and foremost, i have a dance recital on Friday evening.....insert cheers and applause here! This however means i have dance practice Wednesday after work where i will also practice with Sydney for her finale skit (fingers crossed)! Thursday, dress rehearsal starting at 2-6, i might just pass out i believe. Finally the big Day...dum dum dummmmm.........Dance Recital at 6:30 pm & SYDNEY'S FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!!!! (sings happy birthday loudly here!!!)

So after this whole hectic schedule i then have to host Sydney's birthday party....omg this better turn out good because I'm broke because of it! Saturday morning i will roll out of bed at about 6 am to start the morning routine and baking the cupcakes for the party. I will then instruct someone to go gather the balloons at Wilson 5 and dime or they can babysit....I'm hoping they go for babysitting. The deadline is to be at the park shelter no later than 3:15 to decorate. And my wonderful sister Cyndi is making the most adorable banner....what can i say, she's crafty!

Goodness Gracious i hope this doesn't drive me over the edge!

1 comment:

  1. Syd is the cutest ever! Let me know if you need any help with the party! I can't wait to bring D to his first bday party, it's totally going in the baby book.
