Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ahhh a relaxing mothers day.....ha says who?

So i have never blogged before in my life....i really didn't think that i would ever start, but i guess for my own sanity's sake i will vent all of my life's frustrations. Let me start out by introducing myself, I am Heather, and i have a beautiful daughter who will be a year old on May 15. Her name is Sydney and let me say, she is way to much like me! She is stubborn, silly, and even all together frustrating sometimes! Nonetheless i love her with all my heart.

So this devious daughter of mine i believe has it in for me today. See she doesn't realize that it is my first mothers day. Being the day that it is, i was expecting relaxation, pampering, and hopefully a happy baby.....definitely not the case. So she starts off the day by waking mommy up at 4:30, mind you i had a night out last night with one too many drinks, so mommy didn't want to open a eye lid at 4 am let alone make a bottle. So i drag myself to the kitchen, make a bottle and drag myself back to her crib. Lucky me, this bottle gives me an extra 3 hours of sleep, SCORE! Normally i sleep in until 6:10 am on the weekends. So this was a real treat.

We then proceeded to go to breakfast with my mother for mothers day. And of course my daughter flirts with everyone she sees in the line and attempts to pull over the restaurant sign in the process. I don't have the funds to pay for that, so not a good idea. Finally our table is ready, insert sigh of relief here! We get to the table and she would like everything on the table to be on the floor.....she has a secret knack for Feng Shui i guess. And then once the food arrives she wants everything on her face and lap rather than in her mouth. This spread consists of, pancakes....note to self, NEVER pour syrup around a 1 year old again! And hot grits, that disaster was avoided thankfully, and some nice runny eggs that are sure to get in all of the easy to get to crevices. We got out alive and sticky, all is well with the world!

Skip to shopping with mommy.....ahh she needs practice with this! Everything, i mean everything i pick up the girl wants.....honey these pants wont fit you, and you are definitely not chewing on my future clothing....even though I'm sure you will spit up on it some day anyway, but let me break it in a little first please. As i take these pants away from her sticky syrupy grip she wails like i have just put her Miss Rabbit through the shredder. I quickly lower my head, walk into the wind, and leave the store as quickly as possible before i am committed on the scene.

Back at home....SCORE she is asleep in the car seat......ah man someone is weed whacking next door......fingers crossed she stays asleep. And she is awake as i unbuckle her belt, of course. Jump to two hours later....still standing in the crib watching TV and decides to wail anytime she sees in form of life, including the cat, move outside her door. Finally i give in and decide to rock her to sleep and she is out in 5 min. So much for my strong will of her falling asleep on her own, sometimes its more exhausting waiting it out. Now if she is 14 still wanting to be rocked, then ill have some issues....and she might get those funny looks in school too.

She keeps it interesting and me sleep deprived, except for this morning, i got my three extra hours, so i can conquer the world now. muhahhaa.

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